what is media


LO: To discuss what media is and how it impacts our lives.

definition: the main means of mass communication.

social media
music and artists
video games

creating meaning

a sign can be any physical form to which we give meaning including: words, pictures, colours, clothes etc.

my subject position is a male, 13 year old teenager, white, straight unless its elon musk, very rich, a student who lives in tilted tower and i have twin sister. because of this i would have different life to a black female whos is a 64 year old women on a lower pay rate. who is lesbian and lives in Argentina. this is because we have different life expectancies and goals in our lives.

All i see is a nostalgic rapper from the 70s who made some tunes and many people happy from his songs.

but someone who's 80 may think differently who does really know much about him thinking he's was just a rebellious rapper that set a bad influence to people.

Denotation means: the dictionary definition.

connotation means: the deeper meaning what we associate with world. 

a gun connotations are, protection, danger, death and sadness.

a clowns connotations are mixed because some people asscoiate them as funny, cool and entertaining but other people associate it with death, being scared and killing people.

thors connotations are lighting, helping people, peace and power. but again there could be mixed feeling as it could be associated with violence.


l.o: to anaysle texts using the correct terminology.

he's wearing jewellery which could suggest wealth

he has lots of tattoos which shoes him as rebellious

he is Johnny depp 

his costume suggests that he's could come across as childish.
whereas his facial expressions shows that he looks serious.
his props come across as unique.
the connotations of Adam Sandler come across as comedy.
the camera angle is in a weird place.


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