Film Genres
06/12/2022 as many film genres i can think of sci-fi action adventure fantasy romance dystopian utopian drama comedy mystery thriller horror crime historical sports western musical L.O: to explore the concept of film genre a style, especially in the arts. that involves a particular set of characteristics sun-genre categories a genre can be divided into comedy big daddy home alone ted grown ups the grinch sausage party jumanji jungle cruise night at the museum paul ghost busters red notice 1. The comedy genre humorously exaggerates the situation, the language, action, and characters . 2. Bob Reiner, Jim Abrahams, David Zucker, Jerry zucker 3. Adam Sandler 4. 5. I think you can see in grown ups they are humorously exaggerating the scene because they looked scared on a waterslide and they are adults 6. Adam Sandler films because they don't get boring to watch and they are funny 7. The humour, body expressions, there actions, the scenery, what they are doing 8. The ...